Places where Jesus is not welcome.
courageous servants of the Lord.

"AMG’s work through national missionaries, who know their own people best, is very empowering to indigenous Christian leaders and is reaching so many lives for Christ. It is such an honor for FCA to work so closely with AMG as we have a unified heartbeat for reaching the lost with the gospel.”
Shane Williamson, President & CEO
FCA - Fellowship of Christian Athletes,
Kansas City, MO

"I have known and worked alongside AMG for 20 years. Their service tends to the souls as well as to the most urgent needs of those who live in poverty. A key to their impact is that they work through local missionaries who personally understand the cultural nuances. I have great respect and appreciation for AMG and all they do in the world's most challenging places, including my home country of Guatemala."
IJM - International Justice Mission,
Washington D.C.
For over 80 years, we have maintained the highest standard of financial accountability and integrity. AMG International is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to AMG International are tax-deductible as allowed by law. AMG has complete discretion and control over the use of donated funds.